
Freelance no OED (Oxford English Dictionary) - Reprise

Freelance no OEDJan 1, '07 11:07 PM
for everyone

Vejam que interessante: hoje em dia, os tradutores
"freelance" se vendem pelo menor preço. Na Idade Média, 

"Those rude German free-lances, ever ready to
sell themselves to the highest bidder" (v. abaixo).

De vez em quando os tradutores ressuscitam
palavras mortas ou acepções obsoletas. Talvez valesse a pena ressuscitar a
acepção mais antiga da palavra e começar a vender nossos serviços ao "highest
bidder". Que tal?

free lance. Also free-lance, freelance.
1. A term used by writers denoting one of those military adventurers, often of knightly rank, who in the Middle Ages offered their services as mercenaries, or with a view to plunder, to belligerent states; a ‘condottiere’, a ‘free companion’.
1820 Scott Ivanhoe xxxiv, I offered Richard the service of my Free Lances.
1855 C. M. Yonge Lances of Lynwood vi. (1864) 95 He..knew a d’Aubricour would be no discredit to his free lances.
1877 Mrs. Oliphant Makers Flor. iii. 77 Those rude German free-lances, ever ready to sell themselves to the highest bidder.
2. fig. Applied esp. to a politician or controversialist who owns no fixed party allegiance, but from time to time assails one party or the other in a capricious or arbitrary manner; also, to one who in any department of speculation or practice follows the methods of no particular school. In recent usage, a person working for himself and not for an employer; freq. attrib.; also of occupations or work performed by free lances.
1864 Standard 16 Apr., They may be Free Lances in Parliament so long as the guerilla career suits them.
1882 J. Hatton Journalistic London v. 106 The name of Grenville-Murray..might be associated with clever work on many other English as well as French journals. The free lance par excellence of journalism was laid to rest..during..1881.
1883 S. C. Hall Retrospect II. 135 The band of literary free~lances that..made Fraser’s Magazine a name of terror.
1889 Jessopp Coming of Friars v. 216 The Friars..were free lances with whom the bishops had little to do.
1901 Westm. Gaz. 7 Mar. 9/1 Someone who calls himself a free-lance journalist.
1912 W. Owen Let. 3 June (1967) 139 There entertained my guest, the Preacher–a funny old man who is a free-lance (as he vaunts) and answered the Vicar’s advertisement.
1927 Carr-Saunders & Jones Soc. Struct. Eng. & Wales 62 Free-lance professional men, doctors and barristers for instance.
Ibid. 75 When members of a free-lance profession take salaried positions.
1950 Science News XV. 7 If they had to rely on the free-lance articles which come in they could close down tomorrow.
1962 McLuhan Gutenberg Galaxy 74 Leopold Bloom..is a free-lance ad salesman.
free-lance v. intr., to act as a free lance;
free-lancer, a free lance;
free-lancing vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1903 A. Bennett Truth abt. Author v. 60 What in Fleet Street is called ‘free-lancing’.
1904 Westm. Gaz. 6 May 2/3 Lord Londonderry..has done a bit of free-lancing himself in his non-Ministerial days.
1907 Ibid. 27 Mar. 4/2 Some free-lancing Parliamentary iconoclast.
1909 Daily Chron. 7 Apr. 4/7 If the clergy were allowed to free-lance in each other’s parishes.
1915 W. J. Locke Jaffery i, He had a terrible time for a dozen years or so, taking pupils, acting, free-lancing in journalism.
1937 Times 30 Dec. 6/3 My conviction that one could do more for the general cause of good architecture from within that body [sc. the R.I.B.A.] than as a rebel, free-lancing outside it.
1955 L. Feather Encycl. Jazz i. 28 Mary Lou Williams, free-lancing along the Street.
1966 New Statesman 11 Mar. 357/4 (Advt.), Journalism: occasional freelancer..seeks full-time position.

(Oxford English Dictionary (Second Edition)


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